Sunday, March 29, 2009

Michael Savage on Obama - 3/24/09

"I know you want me to talk about Obama and I will. There's not much I can say that I haven't already said thus far. He's an outright Marxist. His policies are Marxist. There's not question that his policies are Marxist.... He's an extreme leftist, even amongst leftists. He's a dumb college professor who was shunted into the presidency, totally unqualified. He's an imposter. And the media is onto him, that's why they called him punchdrunk the other night.

So what more can I say about this guy? Other than, the cop killings in Oakland, are directly related to what's going on in the United States of America today. The same mentality that permitted this piece of human garbarge to walk the streets even though he should have been behind bars for life, the same lawyers, the same newspapers, that let his subhuman walk the street and kill the cops, put Obama in the White House. And if you think you've see the last of problems for America, you're crazy."

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